Start training Jiu Jitsu for your New Year’s Resolution 2017!

Many people create New Year’s resolutions as the year comes to a close. This is a great way and time to start something new in your life. If you have never trained in jiu jitsu before or even if you have or currently do, Mile High Gracie Jiu Jitsu can help you start!

There are many things you can get into to be active and add benefits to your health. Jiu Jitsu not only provides physical health benefits, but it also provides improved mental health with self discipline and confidence building, practical self-defense and can improve overall athleticism.

Jiu Jitsu is Japanese for, “Gentle Art.” It is a martial art that is relatively low impact compared to many others and striking arts. The majority of the art revolves around wrestling, grappling and submissions while avoiding striking like punches and kicking. Although, the art still covers self-defense and offense with striking to ensure a well-rounded art.

It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, male or female, big or small, Jiu Jitsu is an adaptable art for people of all types. It allows you to find the techniques and the process that works for who you are, your body type, your personality and your style.

Most of our students who join say they get “addicted” to it and fall in love with it. It also has been described as the “physical chess” as it requires a solid mental game as much as it does physical. It’s a great balance for your mind and your body putting all aspects to work. Many people learn a lot about themselves in addition to learning the art.